

Friday, 16 September 2016

Creigiau - last week

An odd week or so - on Tuesday 06 Sept, we had a min temperature of 16C and 28 species including first visit of the year of Argyresthia goedartella. With reference to an earlier posting from George, I had 14 Dusky Thorn in/around the trap - never seen so many at one time.

Yet, on Saturday 10th the night time minimum plummeted to 7C and only 11 species turned up. On a brighter note, at dusk on 11th I found 6 Silver Y nectaring on the sedum plants.

On Tuesday 13th, the mid-week box saw a minimum temperature of 17C and 23 species, including a first visit of the year of Rosy Rustic and Snout, and a second visit of Cypress Carpet

This afternoon, in bright sunshine, a Silver Y shared the sedum  plants with a Small Tortoiseshell

and this little beastie paid a very brief visit - I was trying to take pictures of hoverflies and suddenly noticed this on one of the leaves. I managed one quick shot before it flew away - first thought was maybe Nettle-tap but I'm not sure. Confirmation/correction appreciated.

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