

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Creigiau - last night - December Moth Rules!

Had an empty box for Winter GMS last Friday night, but last night, with temperatures barely dropping below 10C,  resulted in 23 December Moths in/around the trap. The only other thing in the trap was a Limnephilus lunatus caddisfly.


  1. A nil GMS catch for me too, last Friday, which surprised me a little. I was kicking myself this morning, for not thinking of putting the trap out last night. I'm running it tonight, despite the rain.

    1. It chucked it down here last night Mark - hope it was better with you.

    2. Most of the night saw just light rain, the heavier stuff arriving at around 05:00. The overnight minimum was a balmy 10.50C, so all the more disappointing that all I got were two Epiphyas postvittana and a Yellow-line Quaker!

  2. 23 moths of any sort is pretty exciting at this time of year. could do with some migrants on this airflow.

    1. Especially when my total catch of moths in December 2015 was 4 !

  3. When I released all the December Moths last evening, after dark and before the rain, I discovered that one of them had left me a lot of eggs. Is it worth keeping these ? - I assume they are not going to hatch until the Spring.

  4. Everyone in South Wales seems to be reporting large numbers of December moths at the moment. Are they having a good year, or is it just due to the sudden onset of warm weather after the cold snap leading to a very synchronised emergence?

  5. Re the eggs - they should hatch in April Howard. I'd be happy to collect a few from you if that's ok - I've not seen the larva of this species. Thanks.

    1. No problems with that George. Perhaps we can arrange to meet somewhere. I'll probably store the rest of the pots and release any that hatch onto suitable foliage in the nearby woods.

  6. Thanks Howard, will be in touch about collecting some eggs in the new year.
