

Monday, 30 January 2017

Creigiau - Winter GMS

I have had the box out on four occasions for Winter GMS during January - 07th (10C min), 15th (10.4C min), 20th (-2.3C min) and 29th (8.2C min). The minimum temperatures have been quite good for January and the winds have tended to ease back during the nights but I have only had 5 moths (3 x December Moth, Mottled Umber and Chestnut) - and they were all logged on 07th. I have had 3 nights of nothing since then.

I have to say that this is an improvement on 2015-16 when I had 5 nights of nothing during January!

Has anyone else seen anything this year ?


  1. I've only had the trap out twice this month, both blank nights sadly. I may put it out on Wednesday/Thursday as it was forecast for a dry and warmer night. We shall see.

  2. I'm still waiting for a good opportunity to get my new garden list off and running.

  3. I had a Red-green Carpet on the 6th and a Grey Shoulder-knot on the 27th.

  4. The winds are forecast to ease on Saturday so I'll go through the motions again and see what we'll see.

  5. I've had the trap out every week this year at Parc Slip and have yet to catch a single moth. The last ones I had were a mottled umber and a december moth on 20/12
