

Monday, 20 February 2017

First Glamorgan record since 1857!

Last August Barry Stewart kindly invited me to come along one morning to look through his traps in Horton, Gower.
There was a pug that stood out which neither of us immediately recognised but we quickly identified as an apparently perfect match for the illustration in British Moths, particularly noticing the chequered veins. Only troubles were that it a) does not occur in this area and b) flies in a single generation in May-June.
Dave Slade has now kindly confirmed by gen det that it is, indeed, a Satyr Pug female.
Dave has also very kindly checked my mystery moth from last summer that was suggested as a Cnephasia sp.
It is a male Cnephasia incertana, looking rather different from the usual form.

Satyr Pug female. Horton 26 August 2016
Cnephasia incertana  male. Whiteford 19 July 2016