

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

A migrant plume at Merthyr Mawr

Paul and I trapped at Merthyr Mawr last night, hoping for an early Portland Moth (no luck on that front). I did a bit of dusking while waiting for darkness to fall, and netted a small plume that I almost dismissed as Adaina microdactyla before I'd had a proper look at it. Luckily I potted it and Colin Hart has now confirmed it as Crombrugghia laetus, a scarce migrant and the first record for Glamorgan.

There was a mini influx of these back in 2011 and I was lucky enough to see one in North Wales. Barry thought he had one at Nitten around the same time, but was without a pot when he saw it and so it was never confirmed. It's nice to get it on the county list at last!


  1. Great find George, glad I was there!

  2. Yes, full marks George and a reflection of your skills and diligence. I bet that Barry has carried a pot with him ever since!

  3. Thanks, but there wasn't much skill involved Ian - I was just netting what I could.

  4. Never go out without a pot!
    Nice find GMT & PP. Well done.
