

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Coed Garnllwyd

Rob and Linda Nottage kindly set the portable trap in the meadow at Coed Garnllwyd on monday night. We weren't expecting much but were pleasantly surprised by over 35 species with the highlight being a couple of smart Mochas:
Other nice moths included a couple of small waved umbers, pretty chalk carpet and a few others that are new for the site I believe: scalloped oak, rosy footman, Blastobasis lacticolella, Epermenia falciformis and Argyresthia albistria (though I've put a pic in case I'm wrong about that..).
Argyresthia albistria?
There were a couple of tatty pugs that we weren't sure of too as well as an ermine moth - not sure if this one identifiable (we did catch Yponomeuta plumbella too).

Small pug
Pug 2

Yponomeuta sp.


  1. The Mocha: 2017 is turning out to be a good for this species, esp. in the Vale.

  2. Small pug is Maple Pug - it's been a good year for these too.

    I guess the other one is a worn Wormwood Pug but worn pugs from photos are too tricky for me.
