

Friday, 11 August 2017

Copper Underwing query

Had a Copper Underwing in the trap last week - at least I think it is. Have attached a picture of the underside and the copper/orange marks seem to stop at the dark cross-line so is that sufficient to confirm this ... ?  or is this going to be another Copper Underwing agg ?


  1. Howard - the general pale colour of the underside of the palps suggest copper u/w to me. With Svensson`s copper u/w, it`s only the very tips that are contrastingly pale. Excellent photos, as always.

  2. I think there was a paper a few years ago suggesting the markings on the palps aren't 100% reliable for separating the two. I must admit I only really use the underside hindwing markings - much more contrasting in Copper Underwing than Svensson's. See:

    Yours looks spot on for Copper Underwing to me.

  3. I'm also happy with Copper for this one, based mainly on the underside of the hindwings.

  4. Thanks all. The first Copper Underwing that I can be sure of .

  5. I find the palps are a useful guide (but not 100%) - check u/w too. Light palps - 2297 (pyramidea) & dark palps 2298 (berbera). Not sure, use agg. CU/w-SCU/W.
