

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Creigiau - 07 October

Put the box out on Saturday night and, compared to recent catches, didn't do too bad - 23 moths of 14 species. The Feathered Ranunculus didn't make it from Bridgend, but I did have my first Barred Sallow, November Moth agg & Red-line Quaker (maybe .. ?) of the year. Some of these are looking quite battered .... probably something to do with the weather.

Can the last one be logged as Spruce Carpet or is this another for the 'agg' designation?


  1. Nice selection Howard, we're still waiting for those sorts of things to appear, though we've probably used up a decade's luck of late. Looks good for Spruce to me.

    1. Thanks Mike. It would be nice if we had some settled weather for a bit ... the forecast looks quite reasonable for this weekend.

  2. Yes we are looking forward to moth night(s)!

  3. Spruce Carpet and Grey Pine Carpet can only be 100% reliably determined by examination of the antennae of the males. All other characters are open to interpretation. So whilst this is a good candidate for Spruce (as most Glamorgan individuals are), technically it should be recorded as the Agg.

    1. Thanks Dave. I vaguely remember you saying this before but I couldn't find it. I have looked on SEWBReCORD and can't find an 'agg' option for Spruce Carpet.

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