

Friday, 25 May 2018

Parc Slip

By far the best night of the year for moths last night (wednesday night) - minimum 13.5 degrees resulted in easily the biggest catch so far in 2018. 151 moths of 67 species including 40+ new for the year and 4 that I've never caught here before: Gracillaria syringella (beautiful!), Callisto denticulella, Capua vulgana and a cocksfoot moth. 
Other highlights were 2nd ever Syndemis musculana, 3rd ever fox moth (first since 2013 and bursting with eggs..), first cinnabar since 2015, little thorn along with plenty of the usual showy May species: scorched wing, chinese character, yellow-barred brindle and peach blossom.

A couple that I'm struggling with (apologies for the quality of the photos - they're pictures of the back of my camera but I'll try and get them off the camera if needed):
Bryotropha sp.(?)

Pyrausta sp.?


  1. Top moth is perhaps a Scrobipalpa costella. The bottom one is a Pyrausta sp. in my opinon.

  2. Agree with S. costella, and Small Purple-barred for the 2nd one.

  3. Oh dear! I was a tad out on that last one.

  4. Those poorly-marked ones are very Pyrausta like to be fair!

  5. Thanks both-it might be a new one for me (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)
