

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Highlights from Highlight Park, Barry

It's been a while since we last posted, having moved the family over to Barry. So, another new garden's moths to acquaint ourselves with... Highlights so far: 

Oak Beauty was a new species for us and we had plenty if these early in the year. One even sat on the back wall of the house for several days with thick snow on it, flying off once defrosted!

Then a female Emperor Moth was spotted in the trap late April. It did look a little like it could have been carried by a bird, but there is quite a bit of open woodland and lots of foodplant all around so they are probably in the neighbourhood. Eggs were left in the pot and now I have about 30 hungry mo(u)ths to feed... they seem to be doing ok but if anyone has any rearing tips it'd be much appreciated!

This last week we've had two of The Mocha in the trap which is another new species for us and seems it's quite scarce around here. Again lots of foodplant just up the road.

In addition a number of species new for us: Satellite, Dwarf and Brindled Pug, Pine Beauty, Grass Rivulet, Small Seraphim and Dingy Shell.

Hopefully we'll get a few more new ones as the year goes on. The main challenge in this new garden is the Great Tit family who have set up home and routinely beat me to the trap in the mornings...

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