

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Anacampsis populella query

Box out last night for GMS and picked up 50+ species in/around the trap. This one was on a window frame near the box and, unfortunately, flew off immediately after I grabbed this image.

Never seen one before, and there don't appear to be that many local records on Aderyn, but could this be Anacampsis populella?


  1. It does look like one of the Anacampsis. States gen det between the two required though. Quite variable looking at images on a few sites.

    1. From Gelechiid Recording Scheme -
      Both Anacampsis blattariella and A. populella are variable species with moderate overlap in the forewing markings and colour, particularly in the extent of blackish markings. A transverse pale fascia at three-quarters (if visible) often has a strong zig-zag style in the costal half in A. blattariella (more curved in A. populella) but again there is variation in this. Information received from some County Moth Recorders and other experienced moth recorders suggest those moths at the extremes (dull greyish fuscous or strongly black and white) are often identifiable from the forewing markings alone but the many intermediates and those which have become worn will not be identifiable without dissection, unless bred. Their comments are based on experience of the habitat and moths in their areas where both breeding and dissection have been carried allowing familiarity with the 'look' of their local moths to be applied.

      Whatever Dave decides, Anacampsis will be a new species for me.

  2. I caught one on the weekend too that I will be dissecting. I don't have the level of experience with the genus that Steve Palmer is referring to! There aren't many records because Gelechiids like this a often overlooked as they are tough.

    1. Thanks Dave. Anacampsis sp it is then ....
