

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Dotted Chestnut - Creigiau 2013

Having just read Barry's post re Dotted Chestnut, I had a look on Aderyn to see if my 2013 garden record was there and was surprised to find it wasn't! The only record for ST08 is a 'historic' 1857 record in Llantrisant.

I was new to trapping moths and used to post images on a website called 'Back Garden Moths' for help with identification. The site is no more but I have 2 garden records for Dotted Chestnut, 09 & 12 April 2013 (images below). I only grabbed images of the first one, and as it was so distinctive I obviously didn't make the effort for the second.

Later that year I started submitting records to Dave at SEWBReC, sending spreadsheets of all my records to date but this one doesn't seem to have made it through to Aderyn which is a shame as it would add a modern record to the mix.


  1. Howard, Perhaps you should re-enter the record, with photos too, like Mike on previous post.

  2. I'll have a dig in my old files to see why this didn't make it!

  3. Found the old records and they have been imported into MapMate. They should appear on Aderyn next week. I think i'd assumed you would put these into SEWBReCORD - my bad!

    1. hi Dave.
      I started with SEWBReCORD in December 2013 and, having sent you spreadsheets for my moth records up to the end of October 2013, I started entering data from 01 November onwards. Didn't think I'd need to go back and enter the older stuff.
