

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Llandaff - Garden - 22nd May

It's definitely on the up in the garden here in Llandaff.

Over the last week I've had a nice selction of moths and butterflies to the garden. There's been good numbers of Holly Blues, Speckled Wood, Comma, Large and Small White and after an absence of many a year, a Green Veined White.

Some decent moths, the best being so far, Poplar Hawk, Poplar Grey, Pale Prominent, Orange Footman, Spectacle, Miller, Rustic Shoulder-knot, Chinese Character, Small Angle Shades, Iron Prominent, Treble Lines, Esperia sulphurella, Least Black Arches, V-Pug, Cinnabar and I too had a Elachista argentella, which was the only new to garden.

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