Wednesday 24 August 2011

Roath (central)

B&F1707. Small Dusty Wave

B&F0015.Orange Swift
One of three Small Dusty Waves today, along with one Old Lady (sorry Ba), and the Orange Swift (fem) from 23rd [498th spp. for the garden].


  1. Amazed that's your first Orange Swift Jake, 23 records in 5 years here. Still no Cypress Carpet though!

  2. Perhaps he's bee overlooking them - distracted by all those Old Lady's!

  3. George: My counts of swift spp. are very poor in my garden:
    Ghost 3 recs last 2003
    Orange 1 rec new 2011
    Common 4 last 2010
    NO Map-winged or Gold
    The latter two spp. are uncommon in central Cardiff.
    As for Cypress Carpet: First Sept. 2009, 11 recs.
    Dave, I'm always distracted by Old Ladies!

  4. Apart from Orange, with up to 4 a night in August, not much better here:

    Common: 5 recs
    Ghost: 3 recs

    Like you, no Map-winged or Gold.
