Wednesday, 15 April 2015


This Phyllonorycter tristrigella hatched from a mine on elm collected last autumn and the Amblyptilia punctidactyla was flying in the conservatory yesterday.
Going to try trapping at the BC Median Farm reserve tonight to add to the present tally of zero records!
Phyllonorycter tristrigella female disbursing pheromones.

Amblyptilia punctidactyla


  1. Oi, cheeky, there are quite a few records from daytime visits, including some leafmining by Sam B. But no trapping yet, so you should add quite a few - good luck!

    I saw Adela cuprella dancing above willows at the site today.

  2. Interesting abdominal position , looks like it's scenting?

  3. Sorry George, misunderstood you!
    Yes Barry, I think it's the female spreading scent to attract a mate.
