Saturday, 17 March 2018

Creigiau - 17 March

Put the box out Friday night for GMS - still 9C at midnight but the minimum for the night dropped to 3.8C.
Best box of the year so far with 22 moths of 11 species, several of which were new for the year. Saw the (currently) regular Dotted Border, Hebrew Character,Oak Beauty & Pale Brindled Beauty and added to these were Clouded Drab, Common Quaker, Early Grey, Small Quaker & Twin-spotted Quaker.
Also saw Agonopterix heracliana/ciliella and Mottled Grey.


  1. Hi Howard, I'd be confident that this was Agonopterix heracliana

    1. Thanks Dave. I will amend my SEWBReCoRD record accordingly.
