Monday, 4 September 2017

Caswell Bay 1st September

Still hoping one day to see the Cliff Plume Agdistis meridionalis so I put a 15w actinic on the cliff, in spite of being clear with a 3/4 moon. It was calm though only 8 degrees in the morning. There were 42 moths of  18 species but no plumes. Best for me was a late (and worn) Aethes francillana, a coastal species,  along with 3 Mullein Wave.
49.124 Aethes francillana

70.023 Mullein Wave


  1. The best way to see them I've found is to crawl around on the cliffs - give enough time and you should disturb a few. Search the the scrawny-looking Rock Sea-lavender patches in sheltered micro-habitats at the most exposed locations.

  2. Thanks Barry. I'll have another go at Port Eynon and Overton by day.
