Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Clifden Nonpareil last night in Bridgend!

One of those wow moments when after all those years mothing, crawling out of bed to empty the trap you get your reward. We were greeted this morning by a Clifden Nonpareil crawling across the lawn outside our moth trap. He looked a bit beaten up, maybe a cat, but rare nonetheless and most welcome!

The moth is safe and we will keep it all day in case anyone wants to see it (small price a contribution to our daughter's sponsored project to help save the Ladybird Spider!). Just FB me or Tweet Emma.

It was obviously a migrant night, Skylarks were calling overhead as we emptied the trap and we also recorded among the 44 moths of 15 species:- LB Apple moth, Common Marbled Carpet, Light Emerald, Willow Beauty, Green Carpet, Large Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Square-spot Rustic, Large Ranunculus, Blair's Shoulder-knot, Pale Mottled Willow, Snout and Silver Y.

 Mike, Emma & Holly.


  1. My species list from last night's trap was very similar to yours, but lacking one crucial detail!

    Wow - congratulations!

  2. Like Dave, I also had the box out last night and had a similar list. My 'special' was the first appearance this year of Merveille du Jour but eclipsed by your Clifden Nonpareil.
    Well done.

  3. Thanks both, we just get on with it after 430 trappings over 14 years it makes it all worth it, we still didn't have a Scooby do we'd had a Glamorgan and possibly Welsh first?! The CNP was our 420th species for the garden. We'd like to dedicate this one to someone who would have been up here like a shot on hearing the news, our original mentor, the much missed Steve Moon.


  4. Thanks for the tea and chocolate cake this evening, plus allowing us to admire your CNP. A great record that shows persistence will always pay off in the end - well done both and a nice dedication.

  5. Thanks Barry, we let it go after the rain late last night but it just flew around and settled on the back garden wall, so we smeared some honey there and left it to it. This morning it has re-located to one of our flower pots by the back door alive and well and still present for anyone wishing to see it!

  6. An excellent addition to the Glamorgan List. Well done both.
