Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Retrospective first for Wales

Whilst digging out a pic of Phyllonorycter scopariella for Chris I came across an incorrectly labelled (i.e. I got the original ID wrong!) photo of Caloptilia azaleella (Azalea Leaf Miner). The photo was taken on 27 May 2005, which trumps Dave's (Slade) 'New for Wales' Cardiff record on 15th May 2006 by almost a year ;-)

Also an unlabelled caddis which is Odontocerum albicorne (Silver Sedge) from the same folder, taken 12th July 2005. For those interested in naming the caddis attracted to your traps, Barnard & Ross (2012) is well worth buying.


  1. Your post has reminded me of a couple of Caddis that I collected during the Rhoose Point Bioblitz moth trapping back in June. The conditions were very poor for moths and very few were caught, but I potted up two Caddis. Dave was kind enough to identify them as Goera pilosa and Phryganea grandis. P grandis is notable as the largest British Caddis and seems to have very few Glamorgan records. G pilosa is a possible County first. Maybe I will pop something up on the East Glamorgan Wildlife blog about them!

  2. Good work Barry - Dave has far too many county firsts, so it's good you've robbed him of one of them.

    Funnily enough, my copy of the caddis key arrived in the post this morning. I'm looking forward to identifying a few from the trap next year.

  3. It's a lot more user friendly than Macan & Worthington, which is what I was using previously, although still not as user-friendly as I feel it could have been. Both Phrygaena are impressive looking caddis and being infrequent visitors to light makes their appearance all the more exciting.
