Thursday 29 May 2014

Parc Slip

Very good trapping conditions at Parc Slip last night - minimum of 12.5 degrees claimed by thermometer and it was a lot warmer at 5 when I started checking the trap than it was by the time I'd finished. 139 moths of 61 species including 50 macro species. As you'd imagine, quite a few of those were firsts for the year including pebble hook-tip, blood-vein, alder kitten, light emerald, common lutestring, spectacle, small seraphim, oblique carpet, sandy carpet, coronet, clouded bordered brindle, riband wave, straw dot, may highflyer, sharp-angled peacock, setaceous hebrew character, ingrailed clay, heart & dart, common swift, purple bar and pale shouldered brocade. 

A couple of micros that I'd like help with please - firstly this tiny but attractive little moth - is it Phyllonorycter sp.?
And is this one Syndemis musculana? Seems less grey than the examples I've seen?
I thought I'd identified this as Opsibotys fuscalis but need confirmation having seen its restricted range in the new book:
Other micros caught included Nematopogon swammerdamella, Epiblemia cynosbatella, Incurvaria oehlmaniella, Celypha lacunana, Epinotia immundana, Elachista argentella and light brown apple moth. Non-moths caught: Nicrophorus littoralis, Cantharis decipiens and Denticollis linearis.


  1. Yes, it's a Phyllonorycter. It might be possible to determine from this, but I don't know it off hand. Both the Syndemis and the Opsibotys are both fine.
