Monday, 28 May 2018

Llandaff - Garden - 27th May

A very warm evening here Llandaff, but sadly a clear sky, at least it wasnt raining.

I was expecting a decent haul but sadly not to be. There was less than 15 moths in the trap, most seemed to be around or on the trap. Nothing really of note excpet Pale Tussock, Dingy Shell, Ruby Tiger and Coronet.
I did however have my second Toadflax Brocade, first in 2015. It's so warm he was off everytime I tried taking a photo, so had to make do with a fridge/phone pic in container. Looks pretty fresh too.


1 comment:

  1. Great stuff, hopefully Toadflax Brocade is here to stay...though I'm still waiting for my first one across the river.
