Sunday, 26 February 2012

Cwm Nant-y-gwyddel

Having a leisurely photographic session in one of my favourite bits of ancient woodland, I came across Tortricodes alternella, which is new for SN90, loitering around a Hornbeam sapling. Also on the wing were lots of the attractively marked Caddis, Philopotamus montanus.


  1. Great photos Mark - are you using flash of any sort?

  2. Hello Barry. No, just a tripod and a reflector, where required or possible. The Caddis was unaltered natural light and the Tortricodes was helped by a bit of reflected sunlight from below. I've got my eye on a macro flash setup, but as it costs well over a month's wages, it will have to wait.

  3. Oh by the way; I've just noticed that the photo of the Caddis is upside down!
