Thursday 23 February 2012


Last night was the first time I've ran the trap since early Jan. Nowt in the trap this morning, which was disappointing given how mild a night it was, but did manage to get my first moth of the year - a Double-striped Pug on the back door.


  1. Noticed a Chestnut on an office door in Swansea this morning...a species which is still missing from my garden list after 5 years of trapping! George

  2. And an Acleris sp in my trap this morning - the first trapped moth for a while. I guess it was too windy.

  3. Are you going to give the Acleris the chop?

    Less windy today - tonight could be better...

  4. Eventually - I didn't have time to look at it this morning so I've no idea if it had the falcate wings. I've got a few dissections to do from last year.
