Sunday, 10 August 2014

Gowerton. Saturday morning 9th Aug

Last night's trap had this Barred Rivulet which I have never seen before.
Also this possible Homoeosoma nebulella, which does just have the slight dark costal mark though it was on the small side at 9mm..

Peach Blossom
Can never resist a Peach Blossom which was sitting on the fence!
Barred Rivulet

Possible Homoeosoma nebulella. Comments?

Mompha lacteella

Stenoptila bipunctidactyla

Also had 3 species of Thorn; August, Canary-shoulder and Dusky though I failed to get them all to pose in a group photo!



  1. I'm not sure the plume isn't just a well marked Emmelina monodactyla.

    I've never seen Homoeosoma...not sure about that one.

    Great photos as always!


  2. Oops! Thanks George, I can see you are correct there.

  3. I'd need the Homoeosoma dissected to be able to accept it.

  4. Thanks Dave. I'll just leave it out.
