Wednesday 18 June 2014

Parc Slip

Pretty good catch last night - over 70 species.
Most common were double line (16) and buff ermine (17). A few first for the year: lobster moth, small fan-foot, gold spot, july highflyer, green silver lines, broom moth, single-dotted wave, large yellow underwing, scallop shell, brown rustic, uncertain/rustic and common and smoky wainscots. I managed to identify a few micros: bramble shoot moth, Celypha lacunana, Crambus lathoniellus, Argyresthia brockeella and Anania lancealis. There were a few i couldn't id for sure though. Firstly this very battered macro - any ideas?!
Not sure about the one below:
 Another Notocelia sp.?
 No idea about the rather non-descript moth below:
 Argyresthia conjugella?:
 Aethes cnicana?:


  1. There is a fighting chance that the first Cochylid is C molliculana, but it is a bit worn so I can't be 100% sure. If you still have the specimen then check the head and thorax colours - if it is pale buff then it is C molliculana, if it is white then it is C hybridella. C molliculana has only been recorded from Rhoose Point and Lavernock before so it would be a nice record.

  2. I think the first is a wet cabbage.
    I think the Cochylid is probably hybridella, but worth checking for molliculana.
    The grey thing is Exoteleia dodecella. I'd be happy with Aethes cnicana. Relatively short costal fold should make the Notocelia (=Epiblema) rosaecolana. And yes I agree with the Argyresthia.

  3. Thanks very much both. Unfortunately I've released the micros (need to stop doing that!) already so I guess I'll put it down as Cochylis sp.?

  4. Was meant to add that a hummingbird hawk-moth was seen feeding on red valerian in the car park yesterday too (on my day off...)

  5. Showing my ignorance a bit here Dave, but what/where is the costal fold? I know the costa is the 'front' of the wing when the moth is in flight, but I can't see any folds in it...!?
