Friday 5 July 2013

Nantyffyllon this evening.

                     Mompha conturbatella, several of these and a few
                     M. raschkiella too.
                     Dichrorampha alpinana. ID based on the fact that plenty
                     of Oxeye daisy here but no Tansy.


  1. Comments on the Dichrorampha welcome. As for the Mompha conturbatella, i had one in the same spot in 2010 and according to my (old) mapmate these are the only Glamorgan records. I saw ate least 3 of them whilst tapping Rosebay willowherb at 8:30 PM.

  2. Well done on the Mompha, Paul, my MapMate also has these as the only VC41 records.

    Wouldn't like to make a call on the Dichrorampha though!

